Starship Troopers 20th Annivesary
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Movie Timeline
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Timeline One_Novel

Starship Troopers novel was written by Robert Heinlein in 1959. In Heinlein's future, people must serve the Federation in order to vote or hold public office; classic American-style democracies had collapsed into anarchy long ago...
Timeline Two_Comic Book

In 1988, an original six episodes video anime Starship Troopers was released to commemorate the novel and its authoThis series' last known release format was on VHS and LaserDisc and it was never released outside Japan.
Timeline Three_Movie 1997

In 1997, P. Verhoeven directed a film adaptation of Heinlein's novel. Starring C. van Dien, D.Richards, D.Meyer, M.Ironside, J.Busey, the film was a financial failure and just as controversial as the book. However, the film was nominated for best special effects at the Academy Awards.
Timeline Four_Anniversary Edition 2017

In 2017, the 20th Anniversary marks how this controversial movie become more and more actual. Many references and technical aspects show how ahead of their time they were. An astonishing movie still to discover.
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In the 23rd century, while colonizing new planets, humans have encountered a hostile non-technological insectoid species known as Arachnids or "Bugs".
In the Federation, citizenship is a privilege, earned by performing such activities as military service, which grants individuals opportunities prohibited to basic civilians.
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Directed by Paul Verhoeven

Casper Van Dien in “Johnny Rico”

Denise Richards in “Lt. C. Ibanez”

Dina Meyer in “Dizzy Flores”

Jake Busey in “Ace Levy”

Michael Ironside in “Jean Rasczak”

Neil Patrick Harris in “Carl Jenkins”

Clancy Brown in “Sgt. Zim”
Movie Facts
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Interesting Movie Facts

Concept of drawing tablet and shared media was introduced already in the late 90’s. Layout also quite similar to modern devices.

Starship Troopers was created with a mix of miniature effects, animatronics and CGI, with each technique carefully chosen to suit its particular sequence.

Starship Troopers book was introduced in 1988 as recommended book in the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program.
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